Healing Through Music

Let inspiration guide you..

For many people sharing their feelings is not an easy task on the best of day.  When those feelings are overwhelming, new and very painful it can be challenging to even know where to begin. Music can be an amazing tool for many people to help them begin to open up and identify their feelings while beginning the process of expressing their thoughts to others. My husband is one of those people. He has always found when he intentionally listens to music it helps him to flesh out his thoughts.  It can be very cathartic. Over the years and through many challenges and joys, we have used this tool;  it has been a family mission to find and identify the music that speaks to our heart and then talk about why the words draw out a feeling that resonates with us. It is amazing how much easier it can be to start with a song.  Listen deeply to the words and then listen as someone shares their heart. What do the words make them think about? How do they feel when they hear that music? For our family, music can be very powerful. We have identified a specific song for each of the mountains and valleys in our lives. We didn’t set out in the beginning intentionally to pick songs..it began in the opposite direction. We would be struggling with opening up, or identifying what we were feeling, and then one day in the car, or while one of us was alone listening to music, we would hear a song that would open up the floodgates, and we would use that moment to begin a conversation that soon showed us that a song can begin the healing process. This tradition is very similar to picking your first dance song at your wedding. What piece of music epitomized your relationship or the feelings you have for the other? By using this same concept for other events in your life, you create a soundtrack for your story. Throughout the written history in this website, I have included stanzas or quotes that illustrate what draws us to a particular piece of music to illustrate a time in our life. We have even gone so far as to share this story with the artist and have had some fairly life changing experiences because of it.

Since everyone has very unique tastes..I am fairly certain that our picks won’t be your picks..Give it a try, especially if one or both of you are struggling with opening up. There are still a couple songs that I can’t listen to without sobbing, even all of these years later.  I remember times when listening to them and crying was exactly what I needed.

Here are the songs that speak to our hearts and the times they symbolize for us. There are many more; I have only listed the ones we have picked out for pregnancies and immediately after birth. I can’t thank the artists enough for the gift they have given us by creating each piece of music and inadvertently helping us along our way.

Teddy's Songs

The Endless Summer, By Van Morrison

Unfortunately this is a sad one..I can’t listen without crying. I remember holding each other and dancing to this for the 3 magical months during the summer of 1996 when Teddy was alive inside of me and we knew every moment was a fleeting miracle. I have included words in Teddy’s Story.

Blessed, By Elton John

This is one of the most beautiful tributes to a child. We clung to this song during our pregnancy and played it at Teddy’s funeral. All 75 people sobbed uncontrollably. It is truly worth a listen.  I have included words in Teddy’s Story.

Madison's Songs

Wonder, by Natalie Merchant

This song is so specific to my pregnancy with Madison it is hard for me to believe that it wasn’t written for those nine months. Watching a large team of doctors come together to try and successfully navigate me through my surgery and have it all pay off as Madison arrives safely. “Doctors have come from distant cities, just to see me, Stand over my bed disbelieving what they’re seeing. They say I must be one of the wonders, God’s own creation….Laughed as she came to my cradle, know this child will be able. Laughed as my body she lifted. Know this child will be gifted. With love with patience and with faith. She’ll make her way.”

Things We've Handed Down, By Marc Cohn

This is such an amazing song for a child. We were lucky enough to meet Mr. Cohn and share with him how this song helped us heal as we waited for Madison and knew her brother was watching over her from heaven. “Don't know much about you, Don't know who you are. We've been doing fine without you, But, we could only go so far. Don't know why you, chose us, Were you watching from above? Is there someone, there that knows us, Said we'd give you all our love.”

The Best Day, by Taylor Swift

We worked hard to find the Joy in parenting. Madison brought us such joy as parents(whenever she wasn’t driving us nuts) Her childhood still holds memories of magic! This song tells the odyssey of parenthood and the Walk into Paradise you experience as you see the world unfold through your child’s eyes. “I'm five years old, It's getting cold, I've got my big coat on. I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you I run and run, past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides. Look now, the sky is gold I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home.”

I Will Always Return, by Bryan Adams

From a young age, Madison was obsessed with all animals. Then, very quickly her focus became the majesty of horses! Spirit was her favorite movie for years, and as she spread her own wings towards independence this song became the anthem to remember that she would always return home in her heart no matter where life’s path takes her. “Oh, I hear the wind call your name. The sound that leads me home again. It sparks up the fire, a flame that still burns. Oh, it's to you I will always return”

Jonah's Songs

You'll Be In My Heart, by Phil Collins

For the first 3 years, much of what we all remember about poor Jonah was the screaming. 10-15 hours per day he would scream..and how small but how strong and determined he was. This song was a mantra for us in those dark days. “Come stop your crying, it will be alright, just take my hand and hold it tight, I will protect you from all around. I will be here, don’t you cry…..”

I See Hope In The Morning Light, by Midge Ure

For all of you exceptional parents out there, try this song out. It is obscure, I don’t even remember how we found it; I am sure it was Todd he finds amazing music everywhere! It is an anthem for us.. Moving into the light. Seeking Hope. Every time I hear it I want to feel like I could burst with pride at what Jonah has faced and triumphed over. “Another long night caresses 'round me. Shows no pity, knows no shame, To share its lifetime of endless moments Till I can touch the light again. Everything changes, everything 'round us. Everything matters after all. Let something move me and I will follow. Not walking blind but walking tall!"

Taking You Home, by Don Henley

All parents should listen to this song. It is such an honest view of life as a parent. It begins “I had a good life before you came. I had my friends and my freedom. I had my name. Still there was sorrow and emptiness to you made me glad. Oh in this love I found strength I never knew I had…This love is like nothing I have ever known. Take my hand love, I’m taking you home..”

Little Wonders, by Rob Thomas

This song helped us begin to acknowledge the change in our beautiful son. It was hard to believe that we were finally off the rollercoaster ride. The first line says it all for me.. “The hardest part is over”